We are grateful for the support of our many sponsors, partners, and in-kind donors, as well as all of our individual donors. It is their generosity that has kept Pride of Baltimore II sailing for more than 30 years!
If you are interested in being a Spring Sailabration sponsor or food and beverage partner, or a season sponsor, please call us at 410.539.1151 or send an email to pride2@pride2.org. We are happy to create tailored sponsorship packages, too.
Maryland Port Administration (MDOT MPA)
Association of Maryland Pilots
Baltimore National Heritage Area
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Citizens of Baltimore County
City of Baltimore
France-Merrick Foundation
Maryland Department of Commerce
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Maryland Heritage Areas Authority
Maryland Humanities Council
Middendorf Foundation
National Park Service
Propeller Club of Baltimore
Eastport Yacht Club
Fort McHenry National Monument & Historic Shrine
Maryland Center for History and Culture
Star-spangled Banner National Historic Trail
Tall Ships America
Visit Baltimore