Pride of Baltimore II is secure at her winter berth. The sailing crew are gone and she rests alone and uncovered. The covering will occur in the New Year. This is a reversal of the norm, but having not done the normal annual spring dry-dock due to the very busy ship yard and the ship’s schedule starting off earlier this year, there was little flexibility to reschedule the dry-dock…so no dry-dock.
At the last minute in mid-November we realized an opportunity of a less busy shipyard and just barely enough time to get Pride hauled and her bottom attended to. The effort was a gamble that was a very close call. Had the gamble not succeeded, the ship would likely still be in Virginia at this time due to the crew departure date coming before the ship could be finished and returned to Baltimore. Good fortune and a great deal of extra effort on the part of the crew and the shipyard combined to make the feasible actually occur. (And it sure does help that the weather was benign!)
So, the ship is home and has been secured by the crew just before their departure. She is uncovered for the Holidays, but will eventually become covered.