Pride of Baltimore II is unwrapped after nearly 14 months laid up.
With Pride’s sailing crew for 2019 just arrived Saturday morning and also plenty of able hands from Baltimore City Boy Scout Troop 35, sponsored by the Church of the Redeemer, the process of uncovering the ship began. Even with a full crew and some near two dozen scouts, it has taken both of these weekend days to uncover the ship and clean her deck and tidy up ashore. I think this has been the quickest uncovering of all.
This quickness now permits an undistracted up-rig and ship systems preparation for her fast approaching 2019 sailing season.
How fast? Early March to Portsmouth, Virginia, for dry-docking. Then back to Maryland for Maryland Day in Annapolis.
Hopefully, the coming cold snap, as well as the rest of February winter, won’t create delay.
Many thanks to the Boy Scouts!!!
Captain Jan C. Miles